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Category: organisational development

Great Trends for Organisations in 2022

Great Trends for Organisation in 2022 The turmoil that has occurred in the last 18 months has had a huge impact globally. Looking ahead great leadership and values aligned organisations are required to reimagine the future of work, understand the way we engage with people and to build exciting new businesses to navigate 2022 and […]

Courage to Deal with Backstabbers

Courage to Deal with Backstabbers Has this happened to you? It’s happened to me. It’s funny how some people are nice in front of you but talk about sh*tty and nasty things behind your back. They love to makeup stories or exaggerate them to pull someone down. Some of them are overly friendly and will […]

Leadership Lessons from Science

Leadership Lessons from Science Have you ever considered inspiring leaders from the past and how they can change the way you lead today? Albert Einstein had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and his work is being used to move us into new frontiers today. Consider key points from Einstein’s leadership lesson in […]

Good to Great Leadership

Good to Great Leadership Have you seen any good leaders lately, how about great leaders? During the 2020/21 turmoil, there have been outstanding examples of great leadership, meeting situations we have never experienced before. It is important to recognise where we see great leadership and then, consider as a leader how YOU will build foundations […]

Leadership, Olympians and Gold Medals

Leadership, Olympians and Gold Medals How do you perform under pressure? Do you put yourself to the test very often? And, what are the outcomes? Is this a biased view of your own performance, or do you benchmark yourself against world class leadership standards? The Olympic Games are an incredible example of high performance on […]


Have you ever been at the receiving end of bad hiring, either for yourself, someone who joined your team, or your boss? The end result, stress, bad interactions and then you have to start the cycle all over again: very clearly reflected in Einstein’s definition of insanity – “doing the same thing over and over […]