Top 10 ways to “Make a difference with Leadership”
Leaders needed! The turmoil that has occurred in the last 12 months has had a huge impact on people, business, the economy and the world. New leaders are required to create change and, a movement and, YOU can be one of them! Find an opportunity, create a vision, align with likeminded people, build your leadership skills and manage to success. You have the potential to make an amazing difference through your leadership and business success!
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Use Leadership Gaps to build YOUR Strategy
The SAL Report “Do Australian Leaders Have what it takes” shows that Australian organisations should be concerned about the state of leadership and management capability. Effective leadership requires the mastery of management fundamentals, including performance monitoring, target setting, team management and use of incentives. Use these gaps to build your Unique Selling Proposition as a leader!
Leadership Does Make a Difference
An article by D. M Lukas & John L. Mariotti, “Ten Ways That Leadership Makes the Difference,” was derived from Obama Presidency Leadership Lessons. Nothing matters more than leadership, whether it is in business, government or life. Leaders see the vision, chart the path and inspire others to follow them to success. I have often said, “Leadership potential in a person is like beauty, it’s hard to describe, but you know it when you see it.” This might explain why some people seem to find leading roles in every organization they join. It just comes naturally. Then there are those who want desperately to be leaders, but the harder they try, the less accepted their leadership becomes. Here’s the 10 ways:
- Beware of a leader who relies on style and oratory, and doesn’t back it up with character, substance and integrity
- Leadership skills grow with experience. Leaders who are short on experience make foolish mistakes that undermine their credibility
- There is a big difference between leadership and management—which is not always well understood
- Weak leaders often resort to ordering or directing people on what to do, using the power of their position. Strong leaders build consensus, collaboration, and cooperation—not simply compliance
- People choose to follow if the leader “walks his/her talk”—e.g., does what s/he says. If the leader fails to “walk the talk,” the followers soon lose faith, and doubt the leader
- Leaders must earn (and deserve) the right to lead, and not rely on having it “bestowed on them”
- Weak leaders whine, complain and blame others for their failures
- There is little room for a too-big ego and narcissism in a leader’s makeup
- In the ultimate act of desperation, the failed leader tries to practice “victory by definition”
- A common myth, perpetrated over the past few decades is that great leaders are (or must be) “charismatic.” They may be—or may not
No matter how many more ways you look at it, in business, in government, and in life, leadership makes all the difference—it always has, and it always will.
Changing Lives for the Better
A John Maxwell article “Leaders Change Lives for the Better,” shows that we’re not as strong as we used to be and our world is on the verge of collapse because of it. Suddenly, leadership is a hot-button issue. A must-have skill set. It’s become a popular field of study, found everywhere from high schools to higher education. In some ways, it’s gratifying. I’ve been teaching about the importance of leadership for over forty years, so the surge of interest is nice. As I hear more about the leadership deficit, the same solution is pushed forward repeatedly: we need more men and women who can lead. And I agree. But while the world can always use more leaders, the deficit isn’t just a numbers issue. It’s also a character issue.
We don’t just need more leaders—we need better leaders! We need leaders who have a healthy perspective on what it means to lead. We need leaders who leverage their influence for a greater good. We need leaders who don’t burn through people, resources, and vision.
Why does this matter? Why do we need better leaders? Because better leaders change lives.Now, this isn’t some slogan, or motivational claptrap. I believe this with all my heart because I’ve seen it firsthand. Leaders know that their role is about more than self-gratification. It’s about making a difference in the world. As people pay more attention to the way leaders negatively impact the lives of people, it’s a good idea to stop and think about the way leaders can make a positive impact. Here are five ways leaders change lives for the better:
- In a time of dehumanization, leaders value people
- In a time of discouragement, leaders encourage people
- In a time of apathy, leaders equip people
- In a time of cynicism, leaders inspire people
- In a time of powerlessness, leaders empower people
If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely because you can envision yourself as a leader. You want to make a difference in the world. You want to change lives for the better. Let me assure you, we need you. Develop yourself as a leader. Develop the leader within you. The world needs your unique contribution to the problems we all face. You can change lives for the better. You just start with your own.
Use your leadership to create a Movement
I asked a question in my blog “Courage and Kindness – How can you help?” We know we can and there is research behind this. The situation that happened with my daughter regarding bullying is not uncommon. We hear many stories of bullying and poor leadership – and the impact it has on people’s lives, mental health, families, businesses and so forth. On the other hand, we know of many amazing people, unsung heroes and organisations who are doing remarkable things by their truly kind and brave acts of leadership. There are lots of great leaders out there and we need to share their stories and celebrate their leadership. This is why we are working very hard to bring to Australia our Outstanding Leadership Awards to inspire everyone to change – we need more kind and courageous leaders.
This is why we are on this movement to build a world of courageous and kind leadership. We know without a doubt that courageous leadership inspires action. We know kindness builds trust which is the missing link for Executives today. This is why in our leadership work, programs, awards and coaching it is a fundamental focus as we have seen the transformation.
There is research that proves that leaders who project warmth are more effective than people who lead with toughness. Basically, kindness and warmth appears to accelerate trust. Also, the link between kindness and great leadership extends beyond just the relationship you have with employees. Interestingly enough, it could also increase employee performance. Imagine how this would impact in our everyday lives if our leaders and future generations embraced kindness and courage.
The impact on kind and courageous leadership does not only make a difference at work but in every aspect of our lives. We need our children to see that as fast as the world is changing and as scary it seems, that we are all human and there is hope. It takes kindness, leadership and courage. Remember we can be strong as leaders and show kindness. We can be courageous as leaders and show fear. We can all be leaders without the title or role. It’s an attitude, choice and action. It only takes one act of intentional kindness and courage to make a difference. Let’s start a movement and see where the Kind, Courageous and Leadership ripple effect takes us!
MAKE A START by improving YOUR Leadership Skills
Now that you understand how you could make a difference, I am here to support you for your next level of success through three opportunities:
1. Join my Course to your Inner Courage – and it’s only $47! I am beyond excited and privileged to have you working with me on my First Comes Courage Read-Along Course. Book your spot, grab the book and make this year a year of Courage! Join alone or as a team! Starts 22nd February 2021 and you enrol and start anytime…
2. Coaching helps leaders go from good to exceptional. Coaching conversations:
- build self-awareness
- uncover hidden strengths and limiting beliefs
- offer new perspectives
- evoke insight
- support goal-setting, accountability and achievement
- improve communication, and
- enhance performance
Book a FREE discovery session
3. LeadershipHQ’s Online Self-Paced Program ONLY $997 (RRP $1495)
Only $997 with a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee! Join 1000’s of people across the Globe who have transformed their confidence and leadership.
And, remember, Leadership starts from within, so grab my latest book FIRST COMES COURAGE!

Get in touch today to learn more about building leadership skills and set yourself up for success!
Stay Kind. Stay Courageous.
Sonia x
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