Neuroscience Of Leadership

Understanding the brain in terms of leadership effectiveness has been one of the most powerful learnings I have encountered in my work, role and with my teams.

The focus of the workshop was on learning and memory, how the brain responds to change, lifting employee engagement and creativity, collaboration and finally a favourite of mine Mindfulness.

Since starting my diploma of Neuroscience of leadership, I have not only been so much more aware of my own thoughts, mindfulness and emotions, but taking on the work as a leader myself in coaching and developing leaders around me. This become a powerful tool and skill. The research and findings around the brain has been in recent years extraordinary through the use of MRIs and we as leaders now how the opportunity to understand how this amazing organ truly works and functions.

It is proven that mediation, mindfulness and being present in the moment are strategies that are incredibly paramount for keeping our brain healthy. By improving our thinking and emotions, we become more centred and open to innovation and creativity. More aware and available for those insights and a-ha moments. Have you ever asked yourself, what am I feeling right now? What am I doing right now? What is most compelling to my awareness right now? Try it? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask yourself those questions?

A-ha moments! We all have them…. Where is the best place for your a-ha moments? Running, walking, driving…mine are in the shower! When my mind is clear and I don’t have a million thoughts running through my head or when I am not distracted by a million things at once. By using this same process in the aspects of our lives when we feel over whelmed, stressed or we need to take a minute to think, close your eyes for just a minute and take a deep breath, and clear the mind…my favourite metaphor, which I have learnt through my diploma is the mind is like a stage. Take this actors of the stage and clear the mind…you are the director and you are in control of the stage, your brain!

The whole concept of neuroplasticity really intrigues me. The way as even as adults we can change our thinking and learning and in turn beliefs. Rewiring the brain and changing how we think and feel about so many things. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “a mind stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”

Imagine by truly understanding and appreciating our brain, one of the most important organs in our bodies…how effective and insightful we can be in terms of all aspects of our lives. For me this has been the greatest insight. I am a leader who is dedicated to growing, developing and advising many leaders. This knowledge and learning has made them shift in their own thinking around managing distractions, creative decision making, collaboration, change and their own emotions and mindfulness. Compelling stuff!

If you would love to know more, I would recommend any books this area by David Rock, Jeffery Schwartz or Daniel Goleman. Ronald D. Siegel has a great book – The Mindfulness Solution.

Contact me if you would like to find out more about the Diploma in Brisbane or Melbourne and SCOD – Strategy, Change and Organisational Development. We are holding another SCOD workshop later this year in Brisbane.

Positive thoughts always, Sonia

Phone 1300 719 665 or +61 424 447 616

p: 1300719665

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