We do have YOU covered (not with toilet paper mind you!) with our Online Leadership and Learning programs and coaching! We know with so many of you now working remotely and from home, the need to keep yourself and your people engaged, developing and learning is critical. My team and I at McDonald Inc. have been delivering online programs and coaching for years and we are super passionate to keep everyone learning, engaged and growing during this time (and every time!) so we wanted to share our AMAZING Online Self-Paced Leadership and Group Coaching Programs for you and your teams.
It’s critical to keep your growth, mindset and leadership in check and your teams engaged during times like these…don’t you agree? We have supported individuals and organisations for years with our Online Programs and Coaching and some have even labelled these programs in-house. Not only do we deliver cutting-edge programs and coaching face to face but also online and remote.
McDonald Inc. have worked with 1000’s over 20 years to transform their careers, businesses, growth, and leadership so we love our self-paced and our 20-week online professional development programs that bring our brand of courageous, authentic and kind leadership to a global audience.
Created for emerging leaders, business owners, executives, team leaders, and self-aware professionals wanting to take their seat at the leadership table. You can either join our self-paced program ANYTIME or sign up for my Group Coaching Program starting on 1st June 2020!
Our Courageous Leadership Group Coaching Program runs over 20 weeks, including 17 weeks of lessons and reflection weeks. Each week you’ll complete a learning module consisting of one lesson with lots of incredible learning and tools.
- Digital Course access (17 modules, note, workbooks, handpicked resource library).
- Access online from anywhere in the world.
- 17 weekly live Q&A coaching calls during the program.
- One-to-one guidance with me…
- Program includes Global Community Moderated Discussion Forum.
- Automatic enrolment into the next program intake for free.
- Leadership Journal and Books.
- Weekly Motivation and Guidance.
- Personalised 360 Assessment.
- Access to The Leadership Review Magazine valued at $69.
You will learn to lead from your strengths. To lead and develop strong teams. To be a change agent and empower others to lead.
You will be able to implement leadership strategies immediately during the program utilising leadership tools and skills provided.
In turn, if you are looking at a seat at the table, that executive role or you lead a business – you must learn from the best in Online Leadership Development and Coaching with myself and the team at McDonald Inc.
Table of Contents
ToggleOur Online Programs And Masterclasses
- Online Leadership Academy
- Online Self-Paced Courageous Leadership Program and Group Coaching
- Online Masterclasses – Courageous Conversations, Leader as a Coach, Leading Teams and more
Our Testimonials Speak For Themselves!
“I have gladly participated in one of Sonia’s training programs. It has cleverly seen me easily reveal my personal and work strengths and passions to allow me to step into my full potential.
The program has made me be more responsive to opportunities and who I am
Very glad that I found the program and said YES to me and YES to my future.” Joanne
“Sonia is a passionate, genuine, authentic, generous and caring leader, coach, mentor and I’m now proud to be part of her tribe 😉
I am truly inspired to be the best leader I can be by focusing on my strengths. The guidance, support and the all important listening ear is really appreciated. Thank you. Highly recommended.” Katherine
“After years of watching Sonia share her leadership expertise with so many awesome leaders, I was over the moon to connect with her and discuss my leadership business.
It was awesome to get Sonia’s advice in so many areas that I was struggling with, which has now helped me to get on track with my business and help dyslexic professionals become great leaders in their fields.
Without her help I was lost, but now I have everything on track to help others reach greatness in their leadership.
Thank you Sonia for your help and showing me the way to ”Rock It”” Will
You can either join her self-paced program ANYTIME with unlimited spots or sign up for her Group Coaching Program starting on 1st June 2020!
DON’T MISS OUT! There are ONLY 20 Spots for my Group Program!
You will also receive customised gifts and books just for you!
If you a team of 3 or more please contact us for group rates.
Reach out to the McDonald Inc Team if you have any questions as we are committed to your success! Sonia & McDonald Inc. x
About McDonald Inc.
Our Online Programs And Modules
- Online Leadership Academy
- Online Self Paced Courageous Leadership Program and Group Coaching
- Online Modules – Courageous Conversations, Leader as a Coach, Leading Teams and more
Our Leadership Legacy
At McDonald Inc., we know that courageous leaders inspire courageous action. For more than 20 years our founder Sonia McDonald has been nurturing executives, businesses and leadership teams through leadership coaching, workshops and leadership programs.
We don’t just train your employees we transform them into courageous leaders. Whether you are looking to continue to develop your high performing leaders and teams or need help turning around a poor leadership culture, McDonald Inc. offers in-house programs and coaching.
To foster courageous leadership in organisations across the globe by training, mentoring and coaching emerging leaders, team leaders, managers and executives.
At McDonald Inc. we seek to foster courageous and kind leadership so that the people leave work smiling each day, in turn creating more prosperous and successful businesses.
Brand Values
McDonald Inc. develops the skills, confidence, and leadership of leaders at any point in their journey as well as facilitating cultural transformation. We benefit our clients by assisting them to have higher staff retention, improved performance through teamwork and an overall more profitable bottom line.
Contact Us
Website – https://www.mcdonaldinc.com.au/
Email – letschat@mcdonaldinc.com.au
Phone – 1300 719 665