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Great Leaders are Great Communicators

Communicate To Lead Does this sound familiar? You receive a text message: HOW R U? Your response out of a range of possibilities: somewhere between GR8 and NC! So in the latter case, how many text messages do you think might follow – more than 1, 2 or 3 to get to know the real truth of the NC mystery, which could have been […]


How would you cope as an astronaut in space when you are on the way to the moon and a disaster occurs? This is about the most extreme working situation you can imagine where the collaboration model is being highly stress tested. Current circumstances are certainly testing the collaboration model in many ways of course, however […]

5 Things Parenthood Taught Me About Leadership

No one is ever really 100% prepared for parenthood especially during COVID. You can read hundreds of books and talk to all the parents you know, but until you experience it for yourself, you’ll never fully know what it’s like. Becoming a parent gives you new experiences and teaches you things that are unique to […]

What Was One Big Skill Gap For Leaders In 2020?

Communication. Is this a gap for Leaders today? We think so and it was apparent during 2020. Great news – Communication is a skill that can be learnt. How do you communicate? And, do you know the preferred communication style of the people you’re communicating with? Unfortunately as the speed of life and business increases, attention […]

Why Leadership Must Change NOW

This is NOT a dress rehearsal. We are all at a Cross Road, with the economy slowing, productivity sluggish, employment growth and consumer confidence faltering. Many economists are now predicting an extended period of slow economic growth and recovery. And, to top it off “there are significant gaps and weaknesses in Australia’s leadership and management.”  Organisations need to adapt and adjust […]

Leadership In Succession

Do you ever have time to consider your leadership future with the pace of change, the increased speed of business and technology impacts? It is important that you consider how you might fit into future succession plans in your business, or how you might set up plans for others! The workforce is ageing, people are retiring, […]

Is Leadership A Routine?

What routine do you have as a leader? Do think about your regular routines, or, just get “caught up” in the busyness of life and then realise how quickly time goes by. Then, one day you may realise “you could have done something different.” It’s never too late and the time to start can be right now. […]

Leadership Planning 2021

LEADERSHIP PLANNING 2021 – time to start now!   2020 has been an unbelievable year and the holiday period is an excellent opportunity to reflect, review and decide how 2021 will be different for you. You may have already considered your own personal preferences, however as a leader, where would you like to make an […]

10 Best Books to Read Right Now

10 Best Books to Read Right Now One of the things that helps me to conquer the imposter syndrome is my ability to keep it real and tell people that I am a semi-expert. Having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge makes it possible to learn new things, grow as a person, and create opportunities for […]