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Month: July 2021

Hire With Leadership Values!

Have you ever been at the receiving end of bad hiring, either for yourself, someone who joined your team, or your boss? The end result, stress, bad interactions and then you have to start the cycle all over again: very clearly reflected in Einstein’s definition of insanity – “doing the same thing over and over […]

My Leadership Love Letter To You

I truly beg us all to leadership love, support and be kind to one another and have the courage as one nation to overcome this. I have had emails from remarkable leaders from the other side of Australia checking in on me in view of the difficult times we are all navigating: it was very […]

Leading Leadership With High Value

Leading with VALUE Have you thought about how you can make a difference at work, in your community or globally? What do you feel is the defining point that will make this happen? The challenges of 2020 are opening our eyes to the need for values based leadership and we are seeing amazing inroads through […]

Embedding Values

Ah Yes! You’ve just landed a new role, how exciting: Congratulations! New people, new ambitions and a new office and wow, that Values Poster on the Wall! This company must be serious about their values. Day one of my job and my first interaction with someone in the business hits me hard with a behaviour […]

Leadership Training Values! Who Cares?

Leadership Training Values! Who Cares? Leadership Training Who cares about values! This is what I used to think. Can anyone relate? Then, by ignoring my values, it did get too much and one day…………………..I blew a fuse! When I was at this point, feeling totally exhausted and frustrated, I started doing some soul searching and, […]

Escaping a Toxic Work Environment

Escaping a Toxic Work Environment I am having a bad Monday at work every day the week! I feel restless, there’s low morale, constant stressors, negativity, sickness, high turnover, and even bullying. Can you relate? WOW, what a list, however hang on…………………, there’s another better list ready for you to check where you’re at and […]

Leadership Space: Give Them Some

Leadership Space: Give Them Some Space Leadership Space is interesting! On one hand you’ve got Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos forging exciting new ways in space as outlined in The Washington Post, “Here’s what’s to come from NASA” and then on the other, young children just starting out and excited about future possibilities. […]