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7 Laws of Leadership

I have put together these laws (when I say ‘laws’, I mean more like guidelines) for any leader who is looking for some direction – however, these are also great for making the most of life in general. I will expand on each one to explain why I believe they’re so important, and what they […]

Courageous Leadership

Following on from my popular 7 Laws of Leadership blog, I’ve put together these 7 Laws of Courageous Leadership to help you become the brave leader you dream of being! After all, it’s the bravest who make the most change! Hold yourself (and others) accountable When you hold yourself responsible, you’re demonstrating and modelling what you expect […]

Bill Shorten Leadership

While facing any loss isn’t pleasant, when you’re a courageous leader you have to remember that how you react is important, because everyone who follows you is looking to you for guidance during the tough times. An example of what not to do as a leader facing defeat is the speech Bill Shorten (former opposition […]

Courageous Leadership Courage And Program

I am on a mission to build a world of courageous leaders and leadership (remember Leadership is an Attitude and Mindset). Coaching clients to reach their potential and become the best leader possible and make an impact is my mission. Therefore I’m so excited to tell you all about my new Courageous Leadership Program and […]

Why Learning Is Critical To Great Leadership

As a leader, you are who people in your organization look to for guidance, and this means you’re also a big influence on the tone and culture of your workplace. With the almost constant changes to technology, business climate and the marketplace, you need to be able to quickly adapt when necessary, or risk the high likelihood […]

7 Ways To Be A Great Leaders

It seems that just about anyone can be given the title of ‘leader’ these days, doesn’t it? But you know what I say about leadership being an attitude, not a title? It’s all too true. Great leaders are not just leaders because of their position, but because of their attitude. These leaders also have other […]

Forms Of Courage Emerging Leaders Need

Forms Of Courage Emerging Leaders Need Taking the next step from team member to an effective leader isn’t easy. Leaders have much more to shoulder than the average employee. They must model the behaviour they wish to see in their team; they must be resilient, strong, authentic, kind, and courageous. Bravery comes in many different […]

Attributes Of Courageous Leaders

When you look at the state of the world today, you will see a lot of fear, judgement and negativity. These are all things that thrive when left unchallenged. Many people stay silent and look away, just trying to get themselves by. We need Courageous Leaders. It can be uncomfortable to say what needs to be […]

Best Leadership Program In Brisbane

Great leaders grow more great leaders. We love great leadership and we love building building great leaders. Our Award Winning leadership development centre on a strengths-based and action learning approaches. We’ll tap into the skills, knowledge and abilities your leaders already have and unleash their potential through high-impact, engaging, interactive and fun learning experiences. With nothing off-the-shelf about our programs, your […]