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Management vs Leadership: Is your Focus Right?

  Management vs Leadership: Is your Focus Right? In 2021, are you continuing in an existing role, seeking a new one, just been promoted, or, starting a new business? Whatever your position, 2021 is an incredible opportunity to make your mark through either honing your management skills, or accelerating your leadership journey where you can […]

Team Alignment is Crucial in 2021

A true leader achieves results through others and if you have every team member there with you at the end of the journey, this is true success! To align your team for success in 2021, consider the incredible teamwork that leads to outstanding results in Formula 1, for example 5 second pit stops and working with […]

Courageous Parents

Courageous Parents This is an excerpt from my latest book FIRST COME COURAGE. At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” Jane D. Hull It’s a strange thought. In our world today, everything is separate. Work-life is separate from home life. Home life […]

Goal Setting for 2021

Goal Setting for 2021 Did you achieve your goals in 2020? And, what have you learnt from 2020 that you will do less of, more of or, the same? How are you setting up your 2021 goals in relation to your personal leadership success plan? Had you considered that the SAL Report “Do Australian Leaders […]

Leadership Is Changing

Everything about the workplace is changing. In just the last few years, the world has become even more interconnected and interdependent as social media platforms, mobile hotspots and Wi-Fi have become pervasive and nearly universal all across the globe. The way that each of us interacts with clients, our peers, colleagues, and even our competition, […]

Leadership Is Scary

Leadership is Scary. No, this isn’t a Stephen King type article on Leadership…no scary music or creeping up on you when you least expect it – now there is a movie idea! Scary? Thing is , it doesn’t have to be… “Courage Is Being Scared To Death, But Saddling Up Anyway.” ― John Wayne I see, work, […]

Collective Leadership

The concept of collective leadership is that we each, within us, have the capacity to be a leader. Thus, organisations who share this value encourage this internal leader to emerge, and to become an integral part of the business. Rather than managing or directing employees, having them follow manuals and procedures to the letter and […]

Board Leadership Matters

Recently I Worked With Kylie Hammond From The Directors Institute On A Fast Track Masterclass For Boards During Which We Covered Board Career Planning And Strategy As Well As Board Leadership. It Was An Incredible Day With 28 Current And Future Board Directors.Leadership On Boards Is Pivotal. Why? Much Has Been Written About Governance On Boards, But […]

Is a Toxic Workplace Holding Your Business Back?

Discover the hidden costs of toxic leadership and workplace culture. Our exclusive whitepaper reveals how negativity affects performance—and what you can do to fix it.

Download your free copy now!