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Do We Wait Too Long to Train Our Leaders?

Do We Wait Too Long to Train Our Leaders? When children start their first years of schooling, they are introduced to subjects like Maths, English, Reading and Writing. Then as the years go on, they start learning subjects like Science, Languages, History, Humanities, Physical Education, Drama and Art to name a few. It also varies […]

The Bad Boss Departure

The Bad Boss Departure The “Bad Boss Departure” is here to stay and post COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, we are all here for it. In a nutshell, we don’t leave companies, we leave bad managers and bosses, and this has become more prominent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more people are […]

How To Revitalise Up Your Company’s Core

How To Revitalise Up Your Company’s Core It’s a brand-new year. The world is still recovering from the COVID – 19 pandemics, businesses are learning to adapt, Australia is about to undergo another federal election, the way we perceive our leaders has evolved and what we look for in a job or career has changed. […]

A Leadership Legacy and Awards Countdown

A Leadership Legacy and Awards Countdown The first step to answering that question is knowing what exactly a legacy is, and how you can leave one behind. A Leadership Legacy. A legacy is the mark you’ve made on life, that continues to grow and influence others even after you’ve passed on. It means you’ve contributed […]

How to Stay Kind and Courageous for Our Kids

How to Stay Kind and Courageous for Our Kids The COVID-19 pandemic and its government-mandated lockdowns has affected people of all ages across the globe. People have struggled, and are still struggling, with their mental health, others have lost their jobs, businesses have closed, and many are dealing with financial difficulties. But while we are […]

How To Survive the Great Reconnection

I remember a time when we used to be really good at connection. We had no issues with connecting with people from all walks of life, whether it was a friendly “morning” between coworkers before the business day started, chatting with the boss before a staff meeting in the boardroom, meeting a friend for coffee […]